Moroccan Lamb Tagine

This easy take on a classic Morrocan dish, is quick and easy to make in the Babycook, with little preparation required! While it may not be slow-cooked in a traditional tagine, the flavours are delicious and it can be made in a fraction of the time! While introducing your little one to rich and delicious new flavours such as the Moroccan spices in this dish, you are ensuring you are building their taste palete while serving meals that are healthy and nutritious. 

Other great Babycook recipes to broaden your little one's palate include our Creamy French Tarragon Chicken dish, a delicious Sticky Salmon and Veggies Recipe and our Baby Beef Burrito Bowl.

Moroccan Lamb Tagine in the Babycook

Moroccan Lamb Tagine Recipe

  • Suitable from: 8+ month olds
  • Preparation time: 5 min
  • Cooking time: 15 min
  • Ingredients: 40g lamb fillet, 1/2 carrot, 10-12 green beans, 1/4 cup of chickpeas, 4-6 pitted dates, ras-el-hanout (or a moroccan spice mix) and couscous for serving.
  1. Slice the carrot into long sticks and trim the beans and cut in half.
  2. Cut the lamb fillet into 1cm cubes.
  3. Place the lamb, carrots, beans, dates and chickpeas into the steamer basket of the Babycook along with a pinch of the spices.
  4. Pour water into the tank (level 3) and start the cooking process.
  5. When it is cooked, place all ingredients in the blending bowl, retaining the cooking liquid.
  6. Blend adding small amounts of cooking liquid at a time, until desired consistency has been reached. Leave in chunks for older children or Baby Led Weaning.
          Et voila, bon appétit! 

          Chef’s tip
          Serve with couscous or rice. If it needs more moisture, add some hummus or yoghurt when serving. 

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